Baden-Baden area

Most of the sources in the Baden-Baden area are extinct. On the one hand the primary sources are mostly overbuild or in the city forrest and on the other hand the secondary sources like gravel pits are not allowed to be entered anymore.

Geological map of Baden-Baden - (c) Siegeris

Geroldsau "Klösterle"

The location Klösterle near Geroldsau is located at the eastern rim of the occurence at Baden-Baden. The deposit is famous for it's nice mostly reddish needle-like pseudomorphosis.


The Gunzenbach is one long going creek ending in the river Oos in Baden-Baden itself. At many points but especially from the city on one can find thundereggs in and at the creek.


The Herchenbach is another small creek running down from the slopes of the Korbmattenkopf to the river Oos in the city district of Baden-Baden. The area is full of small spots and also includes the sources of Maria Halde & Rappenhalde.


Baden-Baden "Klopfengraben"
Baden-Baden "Klopfengraben"



A really nice an large lithophysae from the sublocation Klopfengraben at Baden-Baden.

Baden-Baden "Klopfengraben"
Baden-Baden "Klopfengraben"



Near the Klopfengraben one can find vein structures in the rhyolite. Here's an example of it.

Maria Halde

Baden-Baden "Maria Halde"
Baden-Baden "Maria Halde"



This is larger slice of a lithophysae typical for Maria Halde. Both sides are polished.


On the Way to the Lache



This pair is from a now extinct sublocation called 'On the way to the Lache'. Today there is a path running directly on the location. No more searching possible. It shows some nice lavel banding filling the hole egg.

Also there could be found vein like material.


Baden-Baden "Rappenhalde"
Baden-Baden "Rappenhalde"

size: 53x48 mm


The Rappenhalde is one of the main sites for collecting lithophysae agates near Baden-Baden. This one shows the typical colors and pattern for those lithophysae.




This lithophysae pair is from the location called Sauersberg. A lot of the bigger eggs from there are not filled with anything.


Baden-Baden "Waldeneck"
Baden-Baden "Waldeneck"



The Waldeneck location is probably the best known Baden-Baden source. Most eggs found on the market came from that location.


Baden-Baden "Wernerhütte"
Baden-Baden "Wernerhütte"



This small specimen is from the rarely seen location Wernerhütte.

'Unknown location'

size: d~120mm


There are also mudballs in the Baden-Baden area. Quite similar to those I have seen from Oregon. Sublocation unknwon.


In the end I like to remind two important things to all of you for that area:

  1. the area is quite near the city district and collecting is not welcome in the area. So be carefull were you go.
  2. this area is the dark-red spot of Germany concerning ticks!!! Be carefull as well!